电火花加工解决方案|线材 & 下沉电火花加工机| bt365体育娱乐-bt365体育娱乐


惊人的表现. 无与伦比的效用和效率.


With the best overall speed and performance in the marketplace, 三菱电火花线切割机具有直观, 用户友好的控制, 内部设计,减少磨损, while minimizing downtime and maintenance costs



When it comes to razor-sharp precision on 硬材料, nothing beats a sinker 电火花 machine from bt365体育娱乐 Systems.

先进的控制, 车载自动化功能, and a superior power supply make our sinker 电火花 machines the ideal choice for tight-tolerance applications in industries including aerospace, bt365体育娱乐, 365体育娱乐官网, 和死亡/模具.

伸卡球电火花 machine technology from bt365体育娱乐 Systems offers unbeatable precision and reliability when and where you need it.



与电火花自动化从bt365体育娱乐, customers can increase throughput and maximize their resources.

电火花加工自动化单元可采用 运维英格索尔牌手表 五轴或 Roku-Roku high-speed vertical milling machines and robots to speed electrode production and replacement while allowing for complete lights-out operation. Our wire 电火花 automation solutions add the capacity to load and cut workpieces in immediate succession—loading and unloading them automatically.

增加吞吐量的新世界, 成本效率, process optimization 和更多的 is waiting for you. Let’s get to work automating your production requirements today.

通过灵活的, 适合任何机器的可定制设计, our available selection of off-the-shelf part loaders provide a quick and easy path to automated palletization.

Keep multiple machines supplied with these fast, flexible palletization options that can be fitted for operation with graphite/hard milling, 伸卡和线切割, 和更多的.

Bring the benefits of automation to even the most fine-detail work with dynamic, 高度可定制的机器人解决方案.

一个全自动的, 端到端解决方案是完整的软件包, optimizing every area of the part selection process in ways you’ll really notice.


  • "The quality and repeatability of Mitsubishi 电火花s is second to none."

    亚伦Wiegel, 维格尔的总裁 了解更多
  • “总的来说,这台机器本身是可靠的. Out of all the other manufacturers I’ve used over the years, working with Mitsubishi 电火花 has been one of my best experiences."

    丹尼·里奇, head of 电火花 Department at Dies Plus (a division of OTTO Engineering) 了解更多
  • “当涉及到应用专业知识, it’s a lot more difficult in any industrial OEM to find the breadth and depth that Mitsubishi 电火花 has."

    杰弗里·泰勒, Crafts 技术 President and General Manager 了解更多